(Video + SMS + Emails + Ringless Voicemails)

Imagine if you could reach your customers by email with a personal video, follow up with a text message a few hours later and finally, leave them a nice voicemail to invite them to your dealership this weekend
...and do it all for ONLY $997 per 1000 contacts!
It’s based on the same concept as the two punch SMS, and ringless voicemail combo dealers of all brands have been using this past couple of months to instantly make the phones ring off the hook and sell cars.
When I say all brands I mean GM, Ford, FCA, Kia, Hyundai, VW, and Mercedes Benz… we even had an Audi dealer sell 12 new units on a Wednesday evening!

We call it our 1-2-3 Snap campaign, and we call it that way because you can snap your fingers and generate car sales instantly.
What’s new with this Snap campaign?
The tactful influence of video, a lead capture form for your SMS, and the power of emails. Don’t worry. While building the new tactic, we’ve been very careful to keep the successful recipe intact.
We even used the script of the ringless voicemail as the script for the video and the email broadcast.
This way the video, the SMS, the ringless voicemail, the email and the squeeze page all have the same tone and communicate the same message.
If you liked our previous two-punch combo, you’ll love our three-punch knockout!